Hello July! Hope everyone is well and enjoying some of this Summer weather! For the month of July we will be open for fabric shopping by appointment only We require face coverings at all times. We have a limit of 3 people per room. These precautions will protect our customers and staff. Vermont has a very low infection rate and we want to keep it that way. News of spikes of Covid in other States have us concerned. Therefore we are not in a rush to be open to the general public. You know our shop is on a heavily traveled scenic route that attracts many tourists. We know that many of the folks that are driving by are not sewers and when we have all of our quilts hanging out on the porch folks think we sell quilts. Which we don't. We therefore are not hosting visitors that don't sew or quilt at this time. Sorry non sewers! To make an appointment, just call ahead to let us know when you are coming to shop. You can even call us the same day you plan to visit. We do want to see you! Andrew is repairing and selling sewing machines and quilting quilts on the long arm per his regular schedule...Wednesday thru Saturday 10-5 and Sunday Noon-5 pm. We will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, July 4th and 5th. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 7th. Remember we are open 24/7 online. We are continuing to offer incentives to shop online by offering 2 fat quarter bundle giveaway drawings per week. There is a Tuesday Drawing and a Friday Drawing. To be entered to win place an online order before Tuesday evening and or Friday evening EST. Winners are chosen at random. Thank you for your support through these troubling times by shopping on our website We have just received a new shipment of Dimples...
Warm and Cool Colors
We have combined our Chalk and Charcoal Blenders from Robert Kaufman with our Andover Dimple for a spectacular range of colors. A new shipment of Grunge has arrived... A rainbow of color. Kona Cottons are on the bottom row. All these fabrics are online under "Basics"
Tula Pink's "True Colors" is finally here! Yes we have the whole collection on the bolt and fat quarter bundles!
Now where to put it!!? 42 Bolts....whew! This pattern using True Colors is a free download on the Free Spirit Website. Or another free download "Big Charmers" What will you make?? The new Simply Moderne is here, Issue #21
And an interesting pattern that we can't wait to try This pattern would be great with a True Colors palette or of course Kaffe Fassett. Bernina's Accessory of the Month is 25% off the Yellow High Tension Bobbin Case. There is an excellent tutorial on the Bernina Site This case is used for when more tension is needed when you are doing embroidery. It comes standard with The B500 and B700 Embroidery Only machines. The monthly offer for July is the 25% off the Toolbox Kit. These modules are software for your embroidery machines. For a tutorial on the use of these modules click Here
Please stay safe, wear your masks and practice social distancing. It's the only way to beat this Virus right now! Thank goodness for sewing and quilting! Sewing is the the 2nd most popular hobby right now, bike riding is #1! Who knew?? Happy Sewing! Shelley